Posts Tagged ‘longlife4learning’

Entrepreneurial Characteristics

March 11, 2010

The other day I was asked by a group of my students to identify 5 main characteristics and 5 key success factors of entrepreneurs.

Here’s my response to them;

1. An entrepreneur has a desire for social responsibility.

2. An entrepreneur takes risks.

3. An entrepreneur has confidence in the ability to succeed.

4. An entrepreneur has a high degree of commitment

5. An entrepreneur has the willpower to overcome obstacles.

I offered the following as key success factors for entrepreneurs;

1. Entrepreneurs with a strong consumer support always succeed.

2. Entrepreneurs with a strong cash flow always succeed.

3. Entrepreneurs with great products always succeed.

4. Entrepreneurs with skilled and dedicated employees always succeed.

5. Entrepreneurs with outstanding systems and effective administration always succeed.

As a bonus for asking such a brilliant question I offered  the following improvement tips for their businesses;

If things seem not to be working well in your business, change or add new product lines, and change your marketing strategy.

The full version of my tips can be accessed from my new book; Building Blocks Guide to Successful Business Marathon obtainable at:

EBooks Profit Package with Master Resell Rights

August 28, 2009


                                        What Does Master Resell Rights Mean?
When you get master resell rights to a product, it means that not only do you get the right to resell the product to your customers and keep 100% of the profits, you ALSO get the right to modify the product and usually you’re allowed to put your name as the author/creator of the product.

 Many people want to find a legitimate way of making extra money without leaving their current jobs. If you are interested in making money, in a relatively easy way, whether you are employed,  unemployed,  a student, retired or a stay at home mom you can  make some extra cash for yourself by examining master resell rights. It may very well be the opportunity that you have been searching for.

Here are easy ways you can use E-book Profit Package to earn those dollars:

  • Sell E-book Profit Package by itself.
  • Sell the individual products contained in E-book Profit Package, using the professionally designed sales letters provided for each product. You can even start your own internet bookstore!
  • Create your own packages by combining the products included in E-book Profit Package.
  • Promote your existing products & websites using the information and resources included in E-book Profit Package and watch your profits skyrocket!
  • Learn how to make thousands of dollars every month using affiliate programs, by promoting other people’s products.
  •  Plus anything else you can think of – the possibilities are endless!

No Experience Required!

In just a few minutes you could be selling the E-book Profit Package or the individual products contained in it, and keeping 100% of the profits!

The money you’ll earn as a result of using and selling the great products can very easily pay you back hundreds (probably thousands) times your small investment.

Learn more at:


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What Product/Service Will You Offer?

July 29, 2009

This is a very important question, not surprisingly, since you have to know what
you are selling in order to have a company that sells it. Are you going to sell a
specialty item? Are you going to sell an item or service that is offered extensively
in your area?
If you know what your company’s vision statement is, then generally you are
going to know what product or service you will be offering. However, that does
not mean you should stop there. Perhaps if you have a lot of competition, you will
need to look at offering the same product as your competition does, but with a
different angle. Market research will help you determine exactly the changes that
need to be made to the product or service so that you can remain competitive. A
good example of this is the rivalry between Apple and Microsoft. For years,
Microsoft was the dominant force in computer and Apple was more or less
forgotten. However, at the turn of the 21st century everything changed. While
Microsoft fell behind in anticipating how much the internet would change the
world, Apple took advantage of it. They created the iPod, which has sold millions
upon millions. From there they continued to adapt, creating computers that were
crash-free and virus-free. Now, Apple is considered superior to Microsoft
computers. The point here is that both companies offer software and hardware in
the computer field. Both have operating systems, browsers and even MP3
However, while Apple continued to adapt and predict what customers
would want, Microsoft did not and as a result; Microsoft is beginning to fall behind
as Apple moves forward.
This is why it is so important to do research to find out what the market is like for
your product. If it is over saturated in your area, then you need a new angle to
make your product work. Research is key with the release of any product.Justice Mandhla is the author of The Complete Building Blocks Guide on How to run your Business Marathon and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing days researching and writing about business start-ups, marketing and advertising strategies.
See more at

Great Employees Increase Business Profitability

June 30, 2009

The employee/employer relationship is a unique one that is governed by federal and state law, personal convictions, and industry guidelines. It will be your responsibility to comply with all laws and be the kind of employer that motivates workers to remain productive and enjoy their job, while benefiting the company. Are you the kind of person who can do this?
Make a list of the characteristics you believe would be required in a good employee. Comprise a list of questions you would ask each potential employee in the interview process. Think about how you would handle employee issues when they are presented. Would you take them seriously and be willing to deal with them in a professional manner?
Think about what guidelines you’d set regarding your relationship with employees. Later on, you’ll define all of these things in detail in your employee handbook, so give some serious thought now as to what kind of employer you would be and whether you feel you could successfully manage people. If you have not gone through some form of business training that addresses management of employees, consider taking some employee management classes. Community colleges, local chambers of commerce, and other local business organizations often provide such classes.
Great employees increase business profitability, build excellent customer relationships, and help move forward your vision. It’s your responsibility to choose and retain good employees.

Justice Mandhla is the author of Boost your sales and attract new customers and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing days researching and writing about marketing and advertising strategies.
See more at

Business Planning

June 21, 2009

Few things are as rewarding as starting your own business. A successful business can contribute to your personal well being and feeling of accomplishment, as well as to your financial security – a security that can last for future generations.
 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream. Discover.”
–Mark Twain
During this time of economic woe and uncertainty, owning your own business can provide a greater sense of control over your finances, rather than depending on flailing and down-sizing companies for financial security. When you own your own business, you don’t have to worry about unpleasant surprises like getting handed a pink slip. You can keep a finger on the pulse of your business and avoid the shock of a sudden job loss.
Sure, you’ve heard the horror stories about small businesses that started up only to close a few months later, but you also hear inspiring stories about the ones that were very successful. Think about it, every successful business you know about, from your dry cleaners and grocery store to your bank, all started out originally as a small business. How many times have you thought of a great business idea but didn’t follow through with it, only to find that someone else did and it they reaped all the profits?
There are few guarantees in life and there is certainly no guarantee that your new business will make it, but you’ll never know if you don’t try.
Justice Mandhla is the author of business prep guide: you’ve got to read this book before you buy any business start up bookand he spends a great deal of his fulltime writing days researching and writing about business preparatory strategies.
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Ten essentials for running a successful business

June 17, 2009

1. If you are a business person you must aspire to be financially free.
2.Do something you are an expert in.
3. Do something that you love and have passion for.
4. Do your research
5. appoint the right employees
6. Build a long relationship with your customers
7.Keep track of all expenses- no matter how small
8. Upsell your products through diversification of products
9. In order for your business to grow invest in your business
10. Use the power of referrals and joint ventures
Justice Mandhla is the author of  business prep guide: you’ve got to read this book before you buy any business start up book  and he spends a great deal of his fulltime writing days researching and writing about business preparatory strategies.
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