Archive for August, 2009

EBooks Profit Package with Master Resell Rights

August 28, 2009


                                        What Does Master Resell Rights Mean?
When you get master resell rights to a product, it means that not only do you get the right to resell the product to your customers and keep 100% of the profits, you ALSO get the right to modify the product and usually you’re allowed to put your name as the author/creator of the product.

 Many people want to find a legitimate way of making extra money without leaving their current jobs. If you are interested in making money, in a relatively easy way, whether you are employed,  unemployed,  a student, retired or a stay at home mom you can  make some extra cash for yourself by examining master resell rights. It may very well be the opportunity that you have been searching for.

Here are easy ways you can use E-book Profit Package to earn those dollars:

  • Sell E-book Profit Package by itself.
  • Sell the individual products contained in E-book Profit Package, using the professionally designed sales letters provided for each product. You can even start your own internet bookstore!
  • Create your own packages by combining the products included in E-book Profit Package.
  • Promote your existing products & websites using the information and resources included in E-book Profit Package and watch your profits skyrocket!
  • Learn how to make thousands of dollars every month using affiliate programs, by promoting other people’s products.
  •  Plus anything else you can think of – the possibilities are endless!

No Experience Required!

In just a few minutes you could be selling the E-book Profit Package or the individual products contained in it, and keeping 100% of the profits!

The money you’ll earn as a result of using and selling the great products can very easily pay you back hundreds (probably thousands) times your small investment.

Learn more at:


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You have graduated and you are about to begin a new chapter in your life.

August 25, 2009

Five vital  facts your Life Orientation Tutor or Student Counsellor did not teach you

 Job hunting is a job unto itself, so treat it that way.

The biggest mistake that most job hunters make is that they never devote much time into it. They think that perusing the classified advertisements a few minutes a day, then sending resumes to any organisations that seems interesting, is the bulk of the work. Unfortunately, job hunting is not a hobby. In order to find a job nowadays, you have to do a lot research, a lot of networking, and a lot of writing. Job searching is essentially a fulltime job, and the more you think about it that way, the more time and effort you’ll put into it. After all, how much would you pay someone who just spends fifteen minutes on the job?

A job does not equal a Diploma or Degree.

So many graduates get out of school asking themselves “where’s my job?”  thinking that the perfect career will somehow land itself on their lap simply because they now possess that piece of paper. Not so, I am afraid. Unless you have done your networking months before, an offer is unlikely to materialize right after graduation. The perfect job isn’t going to look for you; you will have to find it yourself.

A “No” doesn’t mean you are not good enough, it doesn’t mean your qualification is not good enough.

You have the best resume. You gave a killer interview that you are convinced should land you that  dream job. You did all the right things, and still, you receive a rejection. Don’t take it personally. When you get turned down for a job, it means you weren’t a right fit for the company… but that doesn’t mean you won’t find one that is a perfect match. Keep your head high, and move on to the next opportunity. Remember that when one door closes, another one opens, and what’s behind that door might be a better deal.

Believe in yourself. After all, that’s what you are selling. 

Would you go to a dentist that’s not entirely sure he knew what he was doing? Even if he did have a shiny office, and a list of diplomas as evidence. Not likely. So Believe in yourself. Have confidence in your skills and abilities and be prepared. If you don’t, then who will?

Treat this period as a time of opportunities and self-discovery.

How many people who are currently working get the time off to learn what they really want in life, and actually go for it? For you, that time is now. Maybe you are a recent graduate, or someone who is currently switching careers, or even someone who has been laid odd, but one thing is for sure: you have the opportunity to change. Whether it’s starting over, or moving up, this segment of your life is about examining what you want and actually going for it.

Justice Mandhla is the author of  What they did not teach you in school: Life Long Learning Tips to land a job straight out of school and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing days researching and writing about job search strategies.

See more at>

Poll: Anyone can survive on internet business alone

August 24, 2009

Poll: Anyone can survive on internet business alone.

The Business Prep Guide: Everything the business start-up gurus never tell you in their expensive seminars and inadequate books (Adobe Reader) ebook download Justice Mandhla

August 12, 2009

The Business Prep Guide: Everything the business start-up gurus never tell you in their expensive seminars and inadequate books (Adobe Reader) ebook download Justice Mandhla

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Business Advice for Teens, Students and Fresh Graduates

August 11, 2009

Take a minute and review these three steps that can help you achieve success.
Step 1: Know What Is Limiting You
Do you like mysteries? Here’s one that can change your life. Let’s investigate.
What beliefs are at the core of who you are? Pay attention for one week to self-limiting beliefs that show up. As a detective, be consciously aware. Keep a journal handy to jot down notes.
Beliefs can present themselves as a label you place upon yourself partnered with an assumption. For example, “As a single parent, there is only so much I can do.” They can reveal themselves in a negative statement such as “I can’t be …” or “I can’t do…” or “I’m not good enough; I’m not smart enough…” Beliefs may be uncovered in an assumption such as “There’s not enough time” or “That’s too hard” or “He’ll say ‘no’.”
Write down the beliefs that are restraining you from what you want.
Step 2: Get to the Source of the Diversion
A good detective digs deeper. Whose voice is attached to the belief? How did this belief become attached to your life? Is it legitimate? Is it serving you? Or limiting you? Jot your notes. I have to warn you. We hesitate to go within because we subconsciously know what may be lurking at the source. That four-letter word… fear!
Write down the fears that are holding you back.
Step 3: Rewrite Your Limiting Beliefs and Fears with an Unlimited Confident Attitude
Turn “I can’t” into “I am.” Change “that’s too hard” into “I know I can do this part.” Replace “I don’t have enough time” into “I know what’s important and I do that first.” Swap “As a single parent, there’s only so much I can do” with “As a single parent, the world is my resource. It’s abundant and lacks
nothing.” Let me know if you need help with this. Reread your new attitudes daily until they become part of who you are. This is a simple task that makes an impact.
Rewrite those beliefs.
Justice Mandhla is the author of business prep guide: you’ve got to read this book before you buy any business start up bookand he spends a great deal of his fulltime writing days researching and writing about business preparatory strategies.
See more at